The Playboy of the Western World - J. M. Synge

The Playboy of the Western World

By J. M. Synge

  • Release Date: 2017-06-14
  • Genre: Theater


This classic three-act play by Irish playwright John Millington Synge is a favourite to this day for its drama, wit and whimsy.
Christy Mahon is a young man who enters Flaherty's, a tavern on County Mayo's west coast. He claims to have murdered his own father by striking him with a loy; a type of Irish spade. Despite the villainous nature of the deed itself, the townsfolk - particularly the women - are enraptured by Christy's storytelling abilities and natural charm.
Using his charisma and newfound notoriety, Christy romances the tavern owner's daughter Pegeen, and a series of other women within the town. He also continues to impress and enchant the locals by competing in and winning a donkey race with the least athletic creature in the entire area.
However, Christy's popularity is severely dented when his father - who in actuality was only wounded - arrives at the scene.
When it was published in 1907, Synge's play became both popular and reviled for its depiction of Irish characters. The lack of a moral voice, and the fact the characters are more occupied and thrilled with the controversy rather than revulsed by the would-be murderer saw many protest the play's staging, with riots breaking out at several theatres.
However, with time The Playboy of the Western World has become lauded as a classic of Irish drama and wit. Adaptations have duly been filmed for television and the big screen, and theatrical stagings are frequent in Ireland and the wider world.