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  • Sweet aloha

    By Cha Ching grandma
    Delightful. Light romance, checked all boxes for me.
  • Fun read

    By Skiplayer1
    The characters were fantastic and the story was interesting and fun to read. I loved the family values and the happy ending.
  • Aloha Texas: Heartwarming Edition

    By kwood1975
    Loved the story! It’s good for the soul to read feel good positive stories. It was encouraging to read about the character’s recovery from personal trauma as well.
  • Aloha Texas

    By Paulov918273
    Thank you Chris for writing a book that doesn’t have a lot of sex and swearing in it. I really enjoyed the book. Just wish other authors would follow suit. The action Kara took finally dealing with her past was great. Even though Nick started off by being a jerk, he came through in the end. Again thank you.
  • Fun read

    By Lamb reader
    Nice, quick fun romantic read.
  • Aloha

    By mybabychaz
    I would love to thank you for having class. I loved the story and so nice to be able to read a great story without unnecessary step by step sex. Frankly, the authors that do that simply aren’t talented enough to keep the story going. Take the sex out and there isn’t a great story. You are different, you had a great story. Thank you again.
  • Aloha Texas: Beach Road edition

    By gebodaily
    Loved this book. I get to be friends with the characters and am their biggest cheerleader as they reach for their goals in work, relationships and family. Thank you for writing so well.
  • Aloha Texas

    By Jvrmcr
    This was a very sweet book. It kept me interested all the way thru.
  • Selfless

    By family47
    Didn’t want this to end. Loved the characters and how they all came together to keep a youngster from more than he could handle.
  • Aloha Texas

    By romancereader77
    A lot going on in this book. the main focus is on Nick’s boy Bradley rather then the actual an actual romance. This is a clean book but it does go into rape some so it may have triggers. I really liked the story but I wouldn’t really call it a romance. I still gave it a high rating because it was such a good book.