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  • Superb read!

    By Gfffgfbyff
    Pay attention to the details in this page-turner from Ruth Ware.
  • Not worth the read

    By Sherri Rose
    Sorry it was not well thought out which made it seem very implausible?? The characters were confusing at times and I found myself trying to figure out who was murdered and who was alive?? It’s my second try with a Ruth Ware book and sadly my last. While her writing is excellent the setting was great it could have been so much better. You absolutely cannot compare this to Rebecca. It’s not even close.
  • Great idea for a story

    By CJL621971
    Loved the premise of the story and all the entanglements between the characters but, it just kept plodding along. It could have been told in half the time without every nuance and facial expression described in every encounter. I gave it 4 stars for the twists and turns and still holding it together. The big reveal was a bit confusing for me. I had to back up listen again and pause to actually get it. I listened to this on audio and the narrator was phenomenal! I think without her my rating would go down to 3 stars.

    By rac7515
    Fabulous work! Ruth Ware certainly is a MASTER at spinning a tale! All of her books are ‘on the edge of your seat’ stories.
  • Twisting

    By lynemv
    This book is a mystery that had me reading rereading to see why is didn’t catch where the twist and turn was. I enjoyed it immensely.
  • Very amateurish

    By Sushi123765
    I’ve read a number of your books. This one was definitely the most disappointing. Able is a homosexual, and I think his parter is Edward. Harding is the oldest and very into $$. Exra hates the house and wants to get away as soon as possible. The made, Mrs. what’s her name is nasty. That’s all we really know about them. SPOILER ALERT! None of these characters were built up enough to get who’s who, and why some were in book at all. What was the point of the children being there?Harding didn’t seem to care about anyone, even Mitzi. What’s the deal with the maid worshiping Ezra? Somewhere it was mentioned that “a boy once drowned in the lake. If you had made this boy the maid’s child, and she used Ezra as a substitute...that would have made more sense. Why did Hal keep returning to the cold attic room?And why did she leave the locks on the outside of the door when she knew she could be locked like the previous occupant? How did Maud get out of that locked room? Plans were made with letters being sent back and forth, but how did she actually escape? Sorry to be so harsh, but I believe you have better writing in you, but this book was not one of those. When she went down stairs, she dropped the glass and spewed glass shards all over the floor. Who cleaned that up the next morning? It was never even mentioned again in the book. Maggie, Maud, it got really confusing at the end. Why have so many siblings? Able says, apropos of nothing, “I am not your father.” But then Hal and Abel never mention the comment again. What happened to Mr. Westaway? And why did Mrs. Westeway birth four children when she didn’t seem to like children in the first place. Why was Ezra so paranoid about Maud having his child that he murdered her. And then Maggie. Why didn’t he leave after the funeral and the reading of the will? He made it clear he was going the second he could? Why didn’t the maid show any special attention to Ezra when they were all in the house, especially when she has a shrine dedicated to him? It needed more work, especially when most of the book went on and on until all was revealed towards the very end. If you’re not going to build their character, why not just get rid of some of the brothers for one? Two would be enough. Drop Able.What’s the point of having him in the book anyway? After 20 years, how did Hal figure out so quickly that her mother was buried their? The wish would have picked away at her anyway. Put 4 more weeks into the book, and get a strict editor. Friends should not be your source. They want the book to be good, because they are your friends.
  • Love love love.

    By Sayre Roberts
    One of my favorite books in a while...
  • Kudos

    By Sdfrdeghfrjed
    Nice twist. One of the author’s best
  • Eh

    By SaltWaterSting
    It’s not that it was predictable- it wasn’t- not even in retrospect. Kind of Scooby Doo.
  • good story line unsatisfactory ending

    By KLCW
    the story was as dark and dramatic as a good mystery should be but it almost felt like the author just stopped and didn’t bother with an ending. Very odd,