The 28th Gate: Volume 1 - Christopher C. Dimond

The 28th Gate: Volume 1

By Christopher C. Dimond

  • Release Date: 2018-01-18
  • Genre: High Tech Sci-Fi
Score: 4
From 365 Ratings


“A gunslinger adventure with good, clean fun!” With a stolen experimental starship and a pair of advanced synthetic limbs, he isn’t your average bounty hunter. When he accepted the job on a backwater planet, Hunter thought it would be easy. He and his partner just had to track down a missing researcher. But when they find her, she’s fled a quarter of the way around the massive ring of twenty-seven gates and Hunter realizes all is not as he was told. That simple realization, and Hunter’s drive for retribution, kick off a series of adventures leading to the most important discovery since the fall of the Gate Age—and put him in direct confrontation with the corp he’s been running from for the past 10 revolutions. Set in a far distant future, The 28th Gate is a series of tales that will appeal to fans of space marines, space fleets, and military hard science fiction. The series consists of eight volumes spread across four seasons telling the story of Hunter’s struggles against the AAA corporation that created him. Each volume contains six episodic novelettes, each with the action, character, and plotting of a complete story all crammed into an espresso-like package, while each season chronicles a different arc in the overall epic. Join the adventure now in The 28th Gate: Volume 1!


  • Fun & Fantastic!

    By out ninety-nine cents
    Nice intro to the characters & setting of a great story!
  • The pace never stops

    By Fritzz
    Even into the next book - action never stops. Small mysteries of ??what happened? are so good you don’t want to know just yet... and so the interwoven history of stars and personalities fall into place at a slow speed to balance the breakneck hunt for the next bounty. All the elements for a classic story are gathered but the author never lets you get too comfortable - never allows the cliche or predictable. ...and there is a lot !!! of tech in nailed down, take it apart and make it work detail. Real in ways I could not imagine. Full Immersion.
  • The 28th Gate: Volume 1

    By PalatableDinner
    A nice light read. Research is evident in the writing. Lots of action, lots of guns. I’m not fond of the fact that it’s setting up a damsel situation with Katherine or that this book ends with a cliff hanger, but I quickly and easily took a liking to Gloria.
  • Bravo!

    By mangoman925
    Bravo! I finally found a series I would gladly pay for. This author is on the same level as Stephen R Donaldson. The details show that the author has actually been there and knows what he is talking about. Amazing writing.
  • Space opera at its finest

    By TyrannosaurusTim
    Lost a bit of sleep being unable to put this one down
  • If you love sci fi

    By Timdoodles
    I hear there’s a 29th gate under construction!
  • Good book great story

    By chaz1388LJ
    Fast paced and a fun read chaz1388lj
  • I’m telling you this from the future..

    By Mech360
    Well, kinda.. I didn’t write a review after I read this originally because I wanted to see how it would continue, or change. I’m back after reading the fourth book in the series to tell you “It’s good”. I’d reviewed after the third book, but couldn’t help reading the next one. Without spoiling anything, I just felt a reader deciding if they should get into this series should know if it holds up. I’ve read a few series where the author changed their writing style or character focus a book or two in. If you read a sample of this first book and like it, you should be able to enjoy far into the series. I’m going to read the 5th book now. This series is my happy escape from reality.
  • The 28th gate,vol 1

    By zeusboo
    Entertaining, good characters, easy read,action packed
  • 28th Gate

    By ol-bird
    Excellent storyline inventive and could be addictive.Looking forward to further progression of the storyline.