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  • Funny, plus Great perspective on dogs and life

    By FebruMary
    I enjoyed all Dave Barry’s humor books over the years , but this one was more thoughtful and insightful than expected but also laugh out loud funny. It was a joy to read at night , a real page turner. l don’t have a dog but this was not really a dog book, more about lessons we can learn from dogs .
  • Entertaining

    By brennansgranmom
    I like Dave Barry ‘s writing. I like it for its simplicity and truth! I don’t normally read “humorous” books, but I like his kindness and compassion I sense through his writing! If, like me, you’re a dog lover, you will enjoy the tales!
  • Warning this book may contain happy and sad tear fuelled snot storms.

    By LooksLikeWeGotOurselvesAReader
    You’ll laugh a lot because of Dave Barry has a genius gift of putting words in an order that induce genuine laugh out loud moments, not your emoji based LOL’s but real actual laughter from the smarter part of your brain. You might even think about calling a friend you’ve not spoken to for a long time or getting a dog. And then, out of blue, from the first paragraph of the final chapter you’ll find your heart racing as you gasp for air whilst holding back large gulping sobbing tears. Best not to read in public. LooksLikeWeGotOurselvesAReader is not making this up and is going home to hug his family.