Novel Writing Prep - Monica Leonelle

Novel Writing Prep

By Monica Leonelle

  • Release Date: 2018-08-29
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


50,000+ words in 30 days—impossible, right?

Or if it is possible, those words must be total crap—right?

And even if there is some semblance of writing talent in the draft, writing that fast means the plot and characters must make no sense… right?

No. Nope. Wrong!

Yes, you can write 50,000 good words on your novel in as little as a month, as long as you prepare yourself.

After helping thousands of authors develop the skills to hit huge word counts in a short period of time, I’ve found one thing in common across all authors, at all skill levels, from those who have never written a novel to those who publish professionally…

This one thing not only helps writers get their book to make sense (and read well!) on paper, but also helps them write it faster in the first place...

And it’s simple: You must know what you are going to write before you write it.

That’s it!

The results?

Most writers can at least double their writing speed (some can triple it), meaning they can do twice as many words in the same time period as they were doing before.

Additionally, these writers encounter fewer bouts of writer’s block and are more likely to see their book in print down the line.

Novel Writing Prep takes you through a simple, flexible, easy-to-implement outlining process that will give you a skeleton of ideas for completing a marathon writing month.

And best of all—you can go through all 30 planning prompts in just a few minutes a day over 30 days, or you can complete a pizza-and-netflix-and-writing binge over a weekend.

Doesn’t matter your skill level, your writing experience, or how you prefer to write a first draft.

For plotters, pantsers, newbies, veterans, and everyone in between—let Novel Writing Prep help you plan your novel before writing it, so you can write an awesome book faster.

Are you ready to go all in and say “yes!” to a fun-filled, exciting, productive adventure in writing? The world needs your book! Grab Novel Writing Prep today and make it happen.