Calypso by David Sedaris (Discussion Prompts) -

Calypso by David Sedaris (Discussion Prompts)


  • Release Date: 2018-11-20
  • Genre: Study Aids


Calypso by David Sedaris

American comedian and author David Sedaris released his latest book Calypso. Sedaris writes a new collection of humorous stories on mortality and middle age. Sedaris starts with his purchase of a new beach property in Carolina. His new property is on Carolina coast and he names it his vacation home Sea Section. He had visions of relaxing afternoons with a refreshing drink under the warm Carolina sun. It was perfect. However, he realized his vacation will be impossible because he couldn't have a vacation from himself. Sedaris then shares his funny observations about the middle age and life. Sedaris will make the readers laugh the way only family can. His humor comes from that moment when his own body betrays him and he realizes that his life is really made up of the past.

In this comprehensive look into Calypso by David Sedaris, you'll gain insight with this essential resource as a guide to aid your discussions. Be prepared to lead with the following:
• Discussion aid which includes a wealth of prompts and information

• Overall plot synopsis and author biography

• Thought-provoking discussion questions for a deeper examination

• Creative exercises to foster alternate “if this was you” discussions

And more! 

Disclaimer: This is a companion guide based on the work Calypso by David Sedaris and is not affiliated to the original work or author in any way. It does not contain any text of the original work. If you haven’t purchased the original work, we encourage you to do so first.