A little mediocre
By Fire skull
I loved Stassi on VPR (before everything unfolded as we know) so I was eager to read this book. I feel like she dumbed her words way too much to try and sound funny and quirky and it just made the book hard to get through at times. I enjoyed the stories from her past but that’s about it.
Loved this
By SmallBusinessOwner???$$$&&&
I don’t leave reviews or read a lot of books, I decided to go with this because I watch Vander pump rules and A fan of Stassi. It was a New York Times bestseller and I see why she is brilliant clever really funny I did feel empowered after reading his book just a lot more positive.
The book was great I enjoyed it a lot.
And to the negative reviews that some people are leaving without purchasing the book without reading the book just to bring down her Ratings, shame on you for judging a person put their mistakes I guess you never made a mistake look in the mirror and see if you are worthy to judge someone especially someone who you don’t know you watch on TV you don’t know anything about her never met her but yet you feel you should have a voice and platform. Ah no thanks!
By BreezyBri24
Just nope.
Can’t wait to read!
By wildflower_gypsy
I look forward to following you in your future endeavors. Don’t let this moment define you. Surround yourself with positivity and this to shall pass. I can’t wait to indulge in a glass of Pinot Grigio and have a read! Good luck to you! Try to remember not all of us think you are a bad person. We all make mistakes. 😘
Stassi is a racist
By Sazifrazz
Why would you want to support a racist? There are funnier books to read. Buy one of them instead. Don’t waste your money on a racist.
I’m obsessed!!
By Brittany Micomonaco
I can’t stop reading this book and might I add I’ve never been into reading. I can relate so much!! I’m actually gifting it to my daughter also!
Relates so much to today
By Ashley Serna
I read this book within 5 hours. It relates so much to today in how we think/act. Stassi is just vocal about it! I love it I can’t wait for another!!
🗑 💩 🚽 💩
By Honey Beee 🐝
Staci = 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
By Chicago Excel
Stassi thinks she’s on top of the world right now, but her fame will fade as quickly as her bank account.
Her dad will have to pay her rent again, I give it 3 years.
Stassi Shroader is 💩
By Green Tee 🍵
In 2 years Stassi Shroader will be bankrupt and working as a waitress again. 😂
Narcissistic personality disorder and bullying shouldn’t be a selling point.