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  • Enjoyed enough to read twice

    By eabolden
    I’m looking forward to the next one.
  • Dreams and spirits

    By fcheavenly
    Overall rating: 4.7 A truly unique read! This storyline put the dual nature of wolf shifters or werewolves in the spotlight. Blend this with archeology, spiritual trances, and magically endowed artifacts and the intrigue and suspense just fills the pages. I actually found the off kilter relationship with Claw to be very attention grabbing. Definitely not a cookie cutter romance! Loved this authors one of a kind perspective! All my reviews are always voluntarily written.
  • Great start of a new series

    By Betinaclark
    I enjoyed this book. Olivia was a well developed character. I laughed at her often and loved how she spoke internally a lot lol. This is a great start to a new series. I love this authors writing style ... she knows how to grab your attention so your involved in the story from start to finish. I received an ARC for an honest review.