By Rodney Cannon

  • Release Date: 2019-02-06
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


No one can tell you everything there is to know about alcoholism or the perfect way to break free of this addiction.

With this book I offer a basic overview of the problems presented by alcohol abuse. Some of the underlining reasons that one might find themselves addicted to this substance and treatment options. From drug used to treat the addiction. To natural treatments for this addiction.

I will share with you the problems one can expect this addiction to cause not only the one who suffers from it, but friends and family. The dangers to women while pregnant. The effects on finances and your job.

The dangers of trying to detox without medical assistance. The drugs that are used during detox and the side effects. Along with all natural solutions to detoxing from alcohol.

Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12 step program and other treatment options including those available in the UK.

Also life after treatment. Having a plan for living that life day by day and avoiding the things that may tempt you to relapse. The road to a sober life is not an easy one and you may stumble a few times along the way, but it is a road that thousands upon thousands walk each year and with effort and determination you will succeed.