Survive Coronavirus - Kevin Michel

Survive Coronavirus

By Kevin Michel

  • Release Date: 2020-03-29
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


Survive Coronavirus, is written by Kevin L. Michel, a Performance Psychology Consultant, based in New York City. Without governmental action, ultimately, up to 80% of some populations shall be infected with Coronavirus, which causes COVID-19. With effective governmental action, that percentage can be significantly reduced. The countries that shall do best, are the countries where the government was most prepared. Similarly, for those most at risk, the individuals who shall do the best, shall include the ones who were most prepared. Now is your time to prepare. You should avoid the virus as best you can, but you must also prepare for the worst. What shall you do if you get COVID-19? What steps shall you take to improve your odds of survival?

This book is your guide in case you are infected with the Coronavirus, or if you suspect that you have been infected. The book is valuable for those who want to be prepared well in advance of such an event. Read the book today, because with the fatigue of an infection, you may not have the energy to read later, when it becomes most necessary. Be prepared now, for the worst.

Survive Coronavirus, begins with standard public guidelines gathered from the top governmental agencies, such as the NIH, CDC, and NHS, and then progresses to guidelines from the author on what you should do to give yourself the best chance of survival if/when infected by the Coronavirus. An equation of survival is provided in the third chapter, breaking down the fundamental behaviors and factors that may determine whether you live or die. This equation gives the reader a sense of control, and provides actionable steps to win the battle before you.

From the author:

I went out for a run today, which was my one-a-day form of exercise during the Stay-At-Home order currently in NYC. I ensured that I maintained social distancing, weaving around the handful of other runners and pedestrians, ensuring that I never got too close. I live in Astoria, Queens, and I made a left on 30th Avenue, past the major hospital – the Mount Sinai Medical Center. Then I saw it. The giant, white, refrigerated truck that is to be used to store the bodies of the dead. I had seen it mentioned on CNN earlier, but it is so eerie to see it in person. I write this book with the best of intentions, to be helpful to you, and to be helpful to me. I have done my best to locate valid and helpful research, and to logically consider the challenge ahead, and present these insights in a relatively brief and readable format – but I am not a medical professional. There are real risks to life here – this pandemic is real. Having seen the truck, I know that if I fail, that shall be where it ends. I want you to be prepared, and I want you to have a strategy if you do get infected. This book is for us both.