Hearts in Harmony: An Idol in Love K-Pop Romance - Trish Milburn

Hearts in Harmony: An Idol in Love K-Pop Romance

By Trish Milburn

  • Release Date: 2020-05-22
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance


Hearts in Harmony (Book 6)

They're talented, good-looking and falling in love.

Kang Hanuel is living the kind of life as a K-pop idol that most people can only dream of—one filled with wealth, fame and being able to do what he loves for a living. But there is one thing missing. Nu has watched his fellow members of K-pop group SBG find love and can't help but want that for himself. The road to true love hasn't been easy for his friends, but for him it's impossible. The hardest part of his yearning is that he's already in love with his best friend, but it's a love neither of them can acknowledge.

Lee Yeong was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, the son of one of the richest families in Korea. But all that money couldn't buy LeYe any happiness. Only leaving it and his cold parents behind to become a K-pop trainee allowed him to finally have people in his life who truly cared about him. For the first time he had brothers and a best friend in Nu. Gradually that friendship turned into something more for both him and Nu. Perhaps the cruelest punishment fate was capable of doling out was to have the person you love right next to you all the time but not be able to indulge that love. But they both know that if they do, it's the end of their careers and perhaps of SBG as a whole, not to mention their parents' reactions.

When LeYe is forced by his parents to leave SBG, work in the family's company and accept an engagement to a woman he knows he can never love in order to protect Nu and his family, his heart breaks. But Nu isn't letting him go that easily, even if it means letting the entire world know how much he loves LeYe.

Hearts in Harmony is the 6th novel in the Idol in Love series.