Hard to get interested in
By Propertylover
Characters did not engage me. The story did not engage me. I had a hard time finishing the book and almost put it down a few times. I have never read anything by this person so I guess I now know he is just not for me.
Ocean Prey
By nfjrbsisbf
Another great Prey novel! Great work John
Loved it
By Rg110647
One of his best although I’m bummed that Bob got killed. Bob and Rae were a good pair
One of the best in this great series
By B33P3R
Up to par and more
Don’t start this book if you’re tired…
By Max.dog
I needed to go to sleep to get up early and go to work. The action kept moving and moving and I couldn’t put it down. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next to Virgil and Rae. It was worth it
By Zaldivar10
I’m so bummed that Bob died. Even if it got Rae back to work and made room for Virgil to work with Lucas again. Sheesh. Poor wrestling Bob! Great book. Enjoy!
Another winner for JOHN SAndford
By Dro102499
I love Lucas Davenport and John SAndford did not disappoint with Ocean Prey.
Great read
By Keith Sk.
Fast paced with an electrifying ending. Read it!
Great story
By my mr T 1951
Good read. We’ll though out. Really. enjoyed it.
Lucas and Virgil
By Bren56
Loved Lucas and Virgil together. Excellent story line. Great read.