Dictionary of Adjectives: Vocabulary Building - Manik Joshi

Dictionary of Adjectives: Vocabulary Building

By Manik Joshi

  • Release Date: 2021-07-17
  • Genre: Dictionaries & Thesauruses


3900 Useful Adjectives and Their Meanings

An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can act as a complement to linking verbs or the verb "to be'. Adjectives are said to be coordinate if they modify the same noun in a sentence. In this book, you will study and learn useful English adjectives along with their meanings. || Sample This:

English Adjectives -- A

01 -- aberrant -- unusual or socially unacceptable; departing from an accepted standard [synonyms: abnormal, deviant, nonstandard]
02 -- abiotic -- relating to non-living or non-biological part of an ecosystem in the environment
03 -- able -- skillful or good at sth [synonyms: talented, proficient]
04 -- abominable -- extremely bad or unpleasant and causing a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval [synonyms: appalling, detesting, monstrous, repulsive]
05 -- abortive -- (of an action) failing to produce the intended result [synonyms: failed, fruitless, unproductive, unsuccessful]
06 -- abridged -- a shortened version of an 'original text' [synonyms: abbreviated, shortened]
07 -- abrupt -- (a). involving action or change that is sudden, rapid or unexpected in an unpleasant way | (b). speaking in an unfriendly manner
08 -- abstemious -- not allowing yourself to indulge too much in enjoyable activities such as eating food or drinking alcohol [synonym: ascetic]
09 -- abstract -- (a). based on general ideas or principles | (b). existing in thought or as an idea, separated from physical reality (c). not representing somebody/something in a realistic way and expressing concepts only [synonyms: conceptual, intangible, theoretical]
10 -- abstracted -- thinking deeply about sth and lacking concentration or not paying attention to what is happening around one. [synonyms: absentminded, inattentive, distracted, preoccupied]
11 -- abstractionist -- producing abstract works of art
12 -- abstruse -- complicated and difficult to understand especially when it could be explained in an easier way [synonyms: perplexing, puzzling]
13 -- abyssal -- of or belonging to the ocean depths, especially between about 3000 and 6000 meters down
14 -- accusative -- (in some languages such as Latin, Greek and German) the form of a noun, a pronoun or an adjective when it is the direct object of a verb or objects of prepositions.
15 -- ace -- very good [synonyms: top, world-class]
16 -- achy -- affected by an uninterrupted pain that is small in degree
17 -- acid -- (a). having a bitter sharp taste like that of a lemon [synonym: sour] | (b). (of sb's remarks) critical, rude and unkind [synonym: sarcastic]
18 -- acquisitive -- eager to acquire and own money or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms: covetous, materialistic]
19 -- acrimonious -- (a). (of an argument, a speech, discussion, behavior, etc.) angry and full of strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). having a strong unpleasant taste or smell
20 -- acyclic -- not forming part of a cycle or not occurring in cycles
21 -- adamantine -- extremely strong; impossible to break or smash
22 -- adaptable -- (a). to able to adjust or be adjusted to deal with new and different situations or conditions [synonym: flexible] | (b). to able to be modified or suited for a new use or purpose
23 -- adaptive -- having the ability to change when necessary in order to deal with different or changing situations
24 -- adept -- good at doing difficult tasks [synonyms: skillful, proficient]
25 -- adulterous -- of or involving physical relationship (intercourse) between a married person and sb who is not their spouse or partner [synonyms: disloyal, treacherous]