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  • Great book

    By mogu28
    Excellent read
  • A reminder of the different types of power

    By meggdogg
    This book is told from the perspectives of different women, mostly a set of American twins, but periodically from a Russian communist. All very different and all very powerful. It’s a great reminder of the different lives women choose and how they can flex their muscles in their different roles. A very fun read.
  • Once again, AMAZING.

    By Izzobelle
    I’ve been reading Beatriz Williams’ books since 2013 and they NEVER fail to intrigue and captivate me. Even the ones where I’m like, “not sure if I’ll read this one” and put it off for months and then finally read. Always amazed at her brilliant writing and weaving of stories. This book, of course, does not fail. Read it. You’ll love. Just like EVERY other book. Beatriz, know you’ll never see this but a huge thank you for keeping me well read and happy for eight years. Cannot wait to devour what’s next.
  • Our Woman in Moscow

    By No No Nannette
    Ended too soon. Must be a sequel.