In the serene landscapes of Sebel, the spirited young farmhand Athaliah Sowell harbors a fiery determination. Raised amid the aftermath of the devastating Hollow Wars, Athaliah knows peace is fragile. Now, as tensions simmer and smoke clouds the horizon, she faces a daunting responsibility as the eldest of the Sowell clan. The fate of a continent looms in the balance.
Meanwhile, in the southern reaches of Sebel, Yaphet is an outcast within his own clan. Since the day he was born, he's been shunned and forbidden from learning the enchanted arts of the Mystic Order. Just when all seems perpetually lost, a twist of fate presents him with an ultimatum: prove himself worthy through the ancient and perilous trials of the Mystic Order. His first task, known as the Sacred Hunt, may be his last.
As Athaliah and Yaphet embark on their separate journeys, little do they know their destinies are intricately intertwined. Across the vast continent of Sebel, amidst the backdrop of adventure, fantasy, and looming horrors, their paths converge in ways neither could foresee.
For fans of epic fantasy filled with rich world-building and gripping intrigue, Pantheon promises an exhilarating tale where heroes are forged and destinies collide.
Fans of adventure, fantasy, and horror will rejoice with Pantheon. Check out the series that has readers enthralled and coming back for more:
"Self discovery, adversity, adventure all in one book!" (Customer Review)
"This book does a perfect job of keeping interest while establishing enough of the world, characters and story to make for a perfect introduction. Very excited for any story that follows." (Customer Review)
"I found this book a riveting and captivating adventure of fantasy fiction. This story was also an edge-of-your-seat page-turner. I would recommend this book to everyone." (Customer Review)