You Are About To Discover How To Tap Into The Limitless Health Benefits Of The Vagus Nerve And How To Ensure It Is Performing Optimally For Your Benefit!
The Vagus nerve is the longest and most complex of all the 12 pairs of cranial nerves emanating from the brain!
Obviously, owing to its size and complexity, you can bet that its responsibilities are just as many. For example, it is responsible for carrying messages to and from the heart, brain, digestive system, various organs and muscles. It is responsible for the parasympathetic nervous system and oversees many critical body functions including communicating motor as well as sensory impulses to every body organ.
These are just a few of its main functions that have been discovered. And as new research is being done, new and interesting stuff are being found about this nerve. For instance, it has been recently discovered to help with treating chronic inflammation, memory formation, breathing, the functioning of the heart, stress control, epilepsy as well as a wide array of various incurable diseases! The study of the vagus nerve is so advanced that it has resulted to a new field of study, bioelectronics, thanks to the many benefits that have been seen to come with its proper functioning.
While it is very effective at its job, unfortunately, sometimes its effectiveness is affected by stress, inflammation, physical trauma and other occurrences that interfere with its ability to function optimally.
This opens the door to all manner of health problems like stress, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, heart problems, breathing problems, chronic inflammation and many others.
Don't wait until you require electrical stimulation of your vagus nerve in a hospital to receive the benefits that come with a healthy and optimally functioning vagus nerve! Start taking action to activate/stimulate it to bring about the much-needed health!
How exactly do you stimulate the vagus nerve?
How do you know when it needs stimulation?
How do you know your vagus nerve need to be addressed as soon as possible?
What exactly do you do to bring about the stimulation to strengthen or improve its functioning so that you can bring about the much needed health?
This book will answer each of these questions from A-Z to help you to restore the functioning of your vagus nerve.
In it, you will learn:
A comprehensive background of the vagus nerve so that you know why it the missing link between you being healthy and unhealthyThe functions of the vagus nerve as well as why this understanding is important in your journey towards restoring its functioningHow the vagus nerve affects physical and mental healthWhy an optimally functioning vagus nerve is the secret to a life free from all manner of health problems like stress, anxiety, inflammation, depression, epilepsy and moreThe science behind using vagus nerve stimulation for health and balanceHow to use the vagus nerve for relaxation, to fight inflammation, to fight stress, to fight depression and in fighting many other disordersPowerful easy to follow exercises and activities that will effectively stimulate your vagus nerve to bring about different benefitsAnd much more
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