Morning Routine Makeover - Zoe McKey

Morning Routine Makeover

By Zoe McKey

  • Release Date: 2020-12-23
  • Genre: Health, Mind & Body
Score: 3.5
From 16 Ratings


Do you often feel unmotivated? Wake up with a feeling of anxiety that you should do many things, but you lack direction to begin, so you end up doing nothing? 

Do you feel that you do self-sabotage after you wake up by doing nothing productive and waste your day? 

If you respect only three tips of this book, I guarantee that your first wake up hours can become the best and most action-packed part of your day! 

Morning Routine Makeover teaches you every method of how to be productive and energetic when your day starts. This is an actionable book without any fake it 'til you make it, brush your teeth or wake up at 5 am advice. It is a comprehensive psychology, biology, and motivational manual that lets you know why you are an early bird or night owl gives you the best practices to bring out the most of your day without overwhelming you with too many new habits. 

Morning Routine Makeover has lots of real-life stories and examples, proven techniques of high-performers, and physiological explanations backed up by research studies, all of which will help you change your mindset about the power of the first hours after waking up (be it 5 am or 11 am) with concrete and simple techniques. 

The 5 am magic doesn't apply to all of us, and it's borderline terrible advice for most. During my endless months of nocturnal working, I developed unique practices that don't require an early day start to boost your productivity and energy level to the sky. By following a few simple steps, I could leave my night-shift job, finish University, and start to be a full-time writer. 

How can you become a productivity machine?

•Learn the best practices I did to boost my spirits and productivity.
•Get familiar with ten practices recommended by world leaders, high achievers, and top-class artists. 
•Understand why does your body function the way it does on a biological level.
•Learn to diminish the harm your body gets by nighttime, shift work, or even jet lag.

Ditch morning idleness. Learn:

•The right way to use caffeine as a wake-up booster.
•How to eat nutritious food and lose weight.
•Simple steps to detect when you are the most productive during the day.
•Advice from a world class dietician on how to combine food to keep you energized all day – starting in the morning. 

Don't suffer from the numbing feeling of unproductivity anymore. Learn the best auto-motivation mechanisms to conquer all the problems you face.