Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition - Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition

By Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

  • Release Date: 2013-12-04
  • Genre: Self-Improvement
Score: 4
From 172 Ratings


Known as the "Big Book," the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people worldwide get and stay sober since the first edition appeared in 1939. Opening chapters articulate A.A.’s program of recovery from alcoholism — the original Twelve Steps — and recount the personal histories of A.A.'s co-founders, Bill W. and Dr. Bob.
In the pages that follow, more than 40 A.A. members share how they stopped drinking and found a new healthier and more serene way of life through the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Whether reading passages at meetings, reading privately for personal reflection, or working with a sponsor, the Big Book can be a source of inspiration, guidance and comfort on the journey to recovery.
This Fourth Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous has been approved by the General Service Conference.


  • Page numbers?!

    By CodyL.S.
    Love having this book on my phone. What I don’t like is the page numbers do not coincide with the printed version. It makes it hard while in a meeting to follow along with someone else.
  • Recently Found AA

    By smaspons
    I just finished this book I’m reading it again
  • Pagination has been changed

    By Sandy Campbell
    The pages do not match up with the hard copy book. This makes it very hard to attend online Big Book meetings where some use this online edition and others use the hard copy. this ebook is fine if you just want to read the book, but if you want to be in discussion groups with others, you need the hard copy so everyone can be on the same page number. I bought this and am sorry. Will go find and acquire the hard copy version.
  • One of the greatest books ever written!

    By Franko R
    This book Has brought me so much freedom and happiness!
  • Alcoholics Anonymous 4th edition

    By danieluniss53
    I have been going to Big Book study groups for over 14 years. This book has helped me to save my life.
  • It Works if you Read it!!! :)

    By MShae13
    Im not too sure what I would do without my Big Book. The book here in the virtual library is the best thing since sliced bread, and well worth the $6.00. My only issue, and correct me if I am wrong, because if I’m not, I hope that this can be addressed. I take my iPad to my meetings and like all other AA’s, pages are always referenced. The pages in here do not correlate with the physical version (4th addition). Am I just missing something?