What might the economical dinner menu consist of in 1905? What was on a vegetarian menu in 1910? If you visited the White House in 1913, what might be served? In this recipe and menu collection, you'll find a variety of old-fashioned dinner menus from the late eighteen hundreds through the early nineteen hundreds. There are simple menus perfect for an old-fashioned dinner night and six to twelve course formal dinners great for an old-fashioned dinner party. You'll also find suggestions and advice from antique cook books on how to serve dinner without a maid, old-fashioned table etiquette, and setting and decorating a table the old-fashioned way.
(1914) Menu
A "Calendar of Dinners" with 615 Recipes
Marion Harris Neil
Chicken Stewed with Olives
Chartreuse of Spinach
Baked Squash
Rhubarb Tarts
"The palate that craves cakes , candies, and pastry may not be tickled by plainer diet, and the girl whose ideal of an agreeable lunch is realized in coffee and 'sinkers,' may turn with scorn from a meal that makes less strain upon digestion." - The National Cook Book (1896)