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  • Impossibly boring

    By AFR Proteus
    How can this Siege of Terra be so UNEVEN? Three of the novels moved like greased lighting, with monumental events on every page. This one, like THE FIRST WALL, just seems like padding -- stretching out a 60+ book series with endless scenes of exploding titans and air that tastes like copper. Can we END this thing? Please?
  • Meh

    By Dolemike007
    The book does have some redeeming qualities to it, but my main issue is that it seems this could have been a side compendium to the main Seige of Terra series. If you like Titan’s and want to know ALL about Titan’s during the seige, then this is the book for you.
  • Put it to bed

    By OneMadScientist
    What a slog of disappointment that seems to never end for a series that generated an incredible world of fiction. This book picks up and painfully drags out storylines that began as fascinating or interesting and now are just a drudgery that must be suffered through to find an ending we already know.
  • Titans

    By He rumor
    Titan bolter porn is boring.
  • Mortis: really great book

    By Jalaroc
    It does a lot but what it does best is open up the possibilities