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  • Bella Andrew

    By Sammygirly
    Loved the whole series !
  • Maverick Meets Maverick

    By Gertrude21+
    Everything Bella Andre writes is a home run! Do not miss this culminating story to the Maverick series. Lyssa, the younger sister of Daniel ( a Maverick) had a crush on Cal (also a Maverick) It was never acted upon, until they began working together. Add in an unexpected pregnancy and the love grows!
  • Unforgettable in Love

    By sbsbrinson
    Great story as were all the stories about the Mavericks!
  • Awesome read

    Loved the storyline. Characters were amazing. Definitely recommend to all
  • Just ok

    By Heavenly hmh
    Started off good then I just couldn’t finish it..I agree her family was over protective but that didn’t mean the they see her or love her. Also is a guy who cheated on his wife then tried to get her back after the woman didn’t want him a good man?? Forgiveness is great but and we all make mistakes but that doesn’t excuse the wrong. We learn from it and do better.
  • A first grade essay

    By Jones1117
    I have read other books in this series no problem but this was just so poorly written with no character development or real plot line. The authors treat you like you’re a moron… we get it. He’s older. He’s friends with her brothers. They work together. But they don’t have to repeat the SAME EXACT LINES over and over and over from both perspectives every third paragraph. Fake drama and no real investment in them or making you feel anything for either character. They phoned this book in just to complete the series.
  • Unforgettable In Love

    By Twiniesmom
    This romance novel is one of the best I’ve read. It’s well written. I could not put it down. I’m looking forward to the next novel.
  • Cal & Lyssa 🥰

    By Newberryd
    It doesn’t matter what your differences are, love can show you the way. Cal’s biggest fear is that he will become his father and destroy his family. He has shut himself off emotionally and has never had a serious relationship, thus thinking you can’t destroy something you don’t have. Lyssa is the Maverick’s little sister and is still being treated like a little kid instead of the competent adult that she is. Cal and Lyssa’s friendship and mutual admiration grow as they work together and get to know one another away from the family. The road to happiness has some twists, turns, dips, and possibly a few accidents along the way.
  • Lyssa and Cal story

    By MelissaNY666
    I received this book as an ARC but I give my honest opinion. Bella Andra has a talent to write you right into the story. You know what both main characters are thinking, feeling and you’re along for ride but you don’t know what coming. This story has friends, family and a new love romance. It’s one of my favorite stories from Bella Andra.
  • Love of life!

    By 12toot
    I loved Lyssa, she was independent, very competent, and had a love of life. Sometimes I think that Cal overthought everything even though he felt that he had good reasons. It also goes to show that no birth control can be 100% fool proof. I liked how Lyssa reacted when Cal would pull back from his feelings for her. She didn’t just pout, she still tried to live her life. This was an easy read and it was good to read about the other Mavericks and to see what’s going on with them. Even when they didn’t react as well as we would have liked them to. Can’t wait to read about the next Maverick.