The Old and New World Order - JAGDISH KRISHANLAL ARORA

The Old and New World Order


  • Release Date: 2021-07-20
  • Genre: Political Science


This Book is about the Old and New World Order and how times are changing and we are unconsciously moving forward. What we need is to reorganize our lives so that the future is better for generations to come. Every few hundred years we had a change either through War or through pandemics and earthquakes and floods. But now we have survived through various natural and un natural calamities like Wars. But in that process the cost of living is going up day by day due to the heavy demands for cars, technology, heavy consumption of fossil fuels, space explorations, extra working hours to sustain the high costs of living and so on. We need to find a way out to reduce the cost of living and also put less pressure on the planet and make it safe and hospitable for the next few hundred years or maybe some more thousand years. As we have seen in the past there is always a time when the planet Earth becomes saturated with population, vehicles, transportation, roads, concrete buildings, thousands of taxes, hundreds of verification cards for the same person making life more complex than ever. Neither can people store this information and it is impossible to keep records of so many identities such as tax identity, driving license, house identity, voter identity, generation identity as well as work to earn a living and also take care of rising inflation every year. Everyone need to find a solutions and work together to reduce the amount of data and papers and work in a more simple and efficient manner.