Baptists, the Only Thorough Religious Reformers - John Quincy Adams

Baptists, the Only Thorough Religious Reformers

By John Quincy Adams

  • Release Date: 2021-09-13
  • Genre: Christianity


<b>Unique</b> in style and <b>content</b> <i>Baptist Thorough Reformers </i>by Adams is generally recognized as the <b>first of the great books</b> on the <b>distinctive doctrinal statement</b> of the Baptist faith. Unlike other denominations, the Baptists do not have a formal creed, therefore such <b>theological treatises</b> gain importance for defining what a Baptist believes. This is a <b>great foundational work</b> of Baptist thinking, and gives the reader a <b>true picture</b> of where Baptists came from, and what they really believe. <b>Highly recommended!</b>