Digital Signal Processing - Bernard Mulgrew, Peter Grant & John Thompson

Digital Signal Processing

By Bernard Mulgrew, Peter Grant & John Thompson

  • Release Date: 2002-09-08
  • Genre: Electrical Engineering


Digital Signal Processing: Concepts and Applications, second edition covers the basic principles and operation of DSP devices. Its aim is to give the student the essentials of this mathematical subject in a form that can be easily understood and assimilated. The text concentrates on discrete systems, starting from digital filters and discrete Fourier transforms. These are then extended into adaptive filters and spectrum analysers with the minimum of mathematical derivation, concentrating on demonstrating the performance which is achievable from these processors in communications and radar system applications. This new edition has been updated to include learning outcomes and summaries and provide more examples. The text has been completely redesigned and is presented in a clear and easy-to-read style.

Key features:
- Self assessment questions within the text, with answers provided
- Numerous practical worked examples on processor design and performance simulation
- MATLABĀ® code for animated simulations available to students via World Wide Web access

This textbook is appropriate for undergraduate and MSc courses in signals and systems and signal processing, and for professional engineers who wish to have a simple, easy-to-read reference book on DSP techniques.