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  • Adult liked it more than kids

    By M Scott
    Read it to my 6 and 8 year old boys. I liked it more than them
  • The great adventure

    By asdwqsddjdjd
    This is the best book ever that I have read so far .
  • It was awesome

    By king i love this game
    So cool and advent
  • Good book

    By πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰Anonymous πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰
    Was very fun to read, kept me guessing about what happened next. Could use some modern day touches, but it was written in the 20s.
  • Trip back !!

    By Zechariah B
    Just seeing this and reading the synopsis is a trip back to my childhood when I would devour all of these books . I will slowly purchase all of them. My parents bought me Hesse books but I foolishly traded them in for others I was more interested in . Little realizing how much I'd miss them down the road.
  • Best Book I've Ever Read

    By Jehsjejdu
    This was the best book I've Ever read even though I don't like mysteries I like these.Now I'll probably read the whole series.
  • Hardy Boys Series

    By Santa/Noah
    I have all books in Hardback (HB). Yet the series started and became 65/6 books. You do not have 59-66. I want to download all to have them ditgitally. You are missing a boatload of Nancy Drew Original Series as well. Visit Wikipedia and there is a list of ALL books from both series.
  • This is so good

    By Jacob Rosengarten
    There is a huge mystery and then it becomes more than one mystery
  • Tower treasure

    By Mattben1
    Very compelling book. A real page turner.
  • Really good book

    By Minecraft sever beastnode
    The tower treasure is one of the best mysteries I ever read