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  • Hornets nest

    By C,Editor
  • Hornet's Nest

    By jb3pc
    Excellent read. So different from Cornwell's Scarpetta mysteries that it's scary, as scary as the evil deeds on ever complex levels reporter Andy, police Commander West and Chief Hammer encounter. Bravo! Compelling, deeply etched characters who never let their flaws and private tragedies deter them from confronting the meanness and murderous evil doers that have unexpectedly thrown them together in Charlotte, SC. I couldn't put it down. Right up there with the best of John Connolly, J.L Burke, Michael Connelly and PATRICIA CORNWELL... Keep 'em coming. Please! J.S., Park City, UT
  • hornet's nest

    By a crazed music fan
    this was way to long for the shallow story I received. I found that I did not care about any of the characters! Character building is one of the most important parts of reading for me. the "bad guy" didn't show himself for most of the book. We did not have any insight on who he was and why he killed! Don't waste your time.
  • The Hornets nest

    By TallHikerGal
    Interesting characters, but really poorly written. That being said, it's an engaging, fast summer read.