By ufdfoq
Thank c the office did not e the office 988-6747Is I did wtcyftyf
Wow Gabriel
By Huffman58
I started reading the series recently and this is far and away my favorite. Even when the storyline was being developed, Silva had me not wanting to put it down. Twists on top of twists, with a dynamic finish. It is a longer read, but well worth it. Highly recommend.
Typical anti-catholic nonsense
By NBBuddy
Just look at his list of acknowledgements, and a quote from Weakland for goodness sake..a good read but the usual anti-catholic tripe...
By BonnieBrannon
As an ex-Roman Catholic who has lived with the shame of Hitler's pope, i.e., Pius XII, being the first pope I remember from my childhood in the 50s, I do Not have words to express the cold rage I have felt throughout my adulthood as my only emotion towards Roman Catholicism. The Vile Disgusting hypocrites who control the Curia TO DATE!!! Will spend eternity with their Nazi brethren.
By Santiagolola
Hola Qatar
By Slalomon
As did weW we s xxrxctw and theat said the
The assssin
By Jerfeg
Mr Silva's works are masterful. Aside from the attention to detail and suspense, immensely well-written. Best stuff since Robert Ludlum.
The Confessor
By Old lady 2
Again, Mr Silva informs excites and entertains, bringing to the reader a page turning novel that it's impossible to put down! Again, the story of the Jewish is told, and for us non-Jews, expands the knowledge of their undeniably horrific history!
The Confessor
By SPBerko
I have read 11 of Daniel Silva's novels featuring Gabriel Allon.
They were all good reads and well written. This one, The Confessor, stands out as the best. It is beautifully written and the pacing is excellent.
Very exciting book that I read in one day.
By Dblarch
After reading the Gabriel Allon series (out of order) The Confessor explains a lot of what I missed out on. It introduces Gabriel's future wife and how they met. It explains how Gabriel is such great friends with the Pope. These Daniel Silva stories with Allon are always a fun read. I especially like to check on my Ipad the locations that Silva goes to throughout the world that actually exist. Like all of these Allon stories I'm sad when I've finished but ready for the next one. I suggest reading them in order but it's not necessary as Silva always explains who the characters are. If you like "Bondish" type stories you've got to get into this series!