Big Trouble - Dave Barry

Big Trouble

By Dave Barry

  • Release Date: 1999-09-13
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature
Score: 4
From 191 Ratings


Dave Barry makes his fiction debut with a ferociously funny novel of love and mayhem in south Florida.

In the city of Coconut Grove, Florida, these things happen: A struggling adman named Eliot Arnold drives home from a meeting with the Client From Hell. His teenage son, Matt, fills a Squirtmaster 9000 for his turn at a high school game called Killer. Matt's intended victim, Jenny Herk, sits down in front of the TV with her mom for what she hopes will be a peaceful evening for once. Jenny's alcoholic and secretly embezzling stepfather, Arthur, emerges from the maid's room, angry at being rebuffed. Henry and Leonard, two hit men from New Jersey, pull up to the Herks' house for a real game of Killer, Arthur's embezzlement apparently not having been quite so secret to his employers after all. And a homeless man named Puggy settles down for the night in a treehouse just inside the Herks' yard.

In a few minutes, a chain of events that will change the lives of each and every one of them will begin, and will leave some of them wiser, some of them deader, and some of them definitely looking for a new line of work. With a wicked wit, razor-sharp observations, rich characters, and a plot with more twists than the Inland Waterway, Dave Barry makes his debut a complete and utter triumph.


  • Very entertaining

    By CLW128
    What a hoot!
  • What a ride ...

    By debdej
    I really don’t know what to say. It was nothing like I expected it to be but it kept me reading because it was just so wacky crazy. Not an LOL kind of funny, but a fast-paced insane kind of funny. I enjoyed the crazy ride.
  • Some Of Barry’s Best Work

    By G.P.$
    I’ve never had a book make me laugh out loud as much as Big Trouble. Dave writes in the style he is known for in his newspaper column, and comes up with one of the funniest crime stories this side of Elmore Leonard. Longtime fans will pick up on themes that he has written about in his column, which is a nice bonus (though it will not alienate the casual reader). Check it out.
  • Fairly funny, but no where near as good as Insane City

    By DickWC
    A moderately complex interplay of somewhat strange character ends in a fairly predictable way.
  • Pleasant Read

    By SpacesWithin
    Fun story. Reads like a made-for-TV movie.
  • A blast

    By DirtDawgGolfer
    Fun read without ever having a straight line any where in the plot.
  • Great read!

    By SupremeOmnipotentBobo
    Dave has outdone himself with this offering. It is engaging, funny and leaves wishing it was longer. Just like a good book should! Kudos!
  • Great

    By Mr Extreme
    Humorous, action-packed. Adult humored greatness.
  • An utter scream

    By GioVan78
    I could not put down this book from the moment I picked it up. I had to try and stifle myself in public because there would be time I would erupt in laughter causing a bit of a scene in the lirbrary.