Watership Down - Richard Adams & Madeline Miller

Watership Down

By Richard Adams & Madeline Miller

  • Release Date: 2009-07-14
  • Genre: Epic Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 590 Ratings


Now with a new introduction by Madeline Miller, the New York Times bestselling author of The Song of Achilles and Circe.

The 50th anniversary edition of Richard Adam’s timeless classic, the tale of a band of wild rabbits struggling to hold onto their place in the world—“a classic yarn of discovery and struggle” (The New York Times).

A worldwide bestseller for over thirty years, Watership Down is one of the most beloved novels of all time. Set in England’s Downs, a once idyllic rural landscape, this stirring tale follows a band of very special creatures on their flight from the intrusion of man and the certain destruction of their home. Led by a stouthearted pair of brothers, they journey from their native Sandleford Warren, through the harrowing trials posed by predators and adversaries, and toward the dream of a mysterious promised land and a more perfect society.

“Spellbinding…Marvelous…A taut tale of suspense, hot pursuit and derring-do.” —Chicago Tribune


  • Love

    By SpiderDanger80813
    I love this book. This book is awesome
  • I’m a cry baby but this was really worth tears

    By SpicyNachoz09
    I loved the mini series I almost almost cried and did cry over the heart warming and emotional scenes of the miniseries so beautiful

    By icewing43
  • I love the show on Netflix it’s so good I can’t wait to read the book!

    By honey almond butter
    I can’t wait
  • Astounding!

    By Dwardeng
    This is a beautiful piece of fiction dealing with the lives of rabbits in a cruel, changing world. A must read for those who love animals and nature.
  • HYPE

    By Prophet Amos
    I tried reading it. I had to stop after the second chapter, it was boring and dull. This was the only book in my life, I had to stop reading.
  • Watership Down Review (angela & lauren)

    By Lion head 37 2 day
    To answer the first question, I would like to go to say that this book is classified as a college recommended book due to the knowledge you gain out of this book that relates to a college level brain such as the politics used. -angela • This book is more than likely on the college recommended list due to the politics and real life things involved in this book. -Lauren ------------------------------- "A little way in front of them, the ground had been freshly disturbed. Two piles of Earth lay on the grass. Heavy posts, reeking of creosote and paint,towered up as high as the holly trees in the hedge, and the board they carried threw a long shadow across the top of the field. Near one of the posts, a hammer and a few nails were left behind." -angela(example of imagery) "Kehaar- Though a character in the book, Kehaar the gull also is a symbol. He represents the help and friendship one can obtain by accepting that not all others are like themself. Because the rabbits accepted him despite his difference, they received his companionship" -Lauren (example of symbolism) "Has been interpreted as a political allegory demonstrating how extremist views can ruin a society. In their journey, the rabbits encounter two other warrens. One is called Efrafa, and it’s under a military dictatorship by an insane rabbit called General Woundwort. The other warren featured rabbits who grew fat and reliant on food left for them by a nearby farmer. Although they’re fully aware that the food is only meant as bait, they risk their lives to get it." -angela& Lauren (example of allegory Watership Down literary devices include allegory, imagery, symbolism and of course personification as the rabbits take on roles of humans. ------------------------------- "When it comes to this book I would like to be honest and say that it did not have a very big impact on me.. and I'll explain why. Even though this book does teach a whole lot about politics and is a very educational read, I never really felt a connection with this book that truly impacted me. Though if I had to pick out something that impacted me.. I would say the way that the author used animals to portray his message is something that I admired, as it is an old technique used in story writing to get the message across, so I do think that by using that it showed me as a writer that portraying an animal with human actions can get points across in a whole new way." -angela cordova "I found that this is a good story and is indeed very good for college level. Someone who is very interested in rabbits might be interested more in this book... this book tells the story of many rabbits out on a journey to go as far away from danger as possible, it also is full of mystery, politics, crime, and danger. This book I would say had a good impact on me in seeing all of these political views to learn something new about the world I live in." -Lauren Sanchez
  • I love this book

    By Banana 45338
    I love this book so much. But it is a bit on the expensive side. The book is excellently written.
  • Its boring

    By N_i_c_k Snick
    It is. Trust me.
  • A story well told.

    By Rahas3
    I really enjoyed reading this book. It brings back childhood memories of watching the movie and my love for animation, animals, and fiction. I love how it can appeal to older readers.