By ManMuffinManiac
If you love Dresden’s world then this a great collection of stories that add even more depth to an already rich world. My favorites were getting to see the world from Thomas’s and Murphy’s point of view.
Jim Butcher
By Lu 21
Ok ! When is the new book coming out ?
I like it
By Mcb76
Normally i dont like short story collections but i to say i like this a great deal. It is well written and gives some interesting filler on the rest of the characters in his dresden stories. Looking forward to the next book in the dresden series.
Insanely addictive
By Tansterman
The entire series is written with a pacing that keeps one from putting the books down. And instead of just a single plot line, there are usually two or three which sometimes weave together into a single close-fitting thread where one marvels at how well they mesh. Or not, depending on the book. It's best to read the entire series in order to get a grasp of how each book slots into place. Ghost Story ended on a cliffhanger and this book, Side Jobs, filled in a couple of tiny plot holes. But I look forward eagerly for more in this series. It's also such a pity that the TV show based on this series got cancelled so early before it could truly reach its full stride.
Awesome Addition!
By MamaXray
These short stories are great alone but as a supplement to the full Dresden Files series, it is a MUST for anyone that's spent time in the Dresdenverse! I highly recommend it!
A great read
By turbofish
Any fan of the Dresden Files novels should love this collection of short stories from Jim Butcher. They are all great fun to read, but my personal favorites are Backup, The Warrior, and Aftermath. They are terrific examples of the author's great imagination, humor, and well paced, page-flipping storytelling. If you have not read any of the series' novels, it will still be a great read because Butcher explains enough of the background through his characters to not leave new readers lost... Though there will be some spoilers from the series.
Good book, not a great book
By Ryancw
Enjoyable, but badly formatted and not as enjoyable as many of the other Dresden novels. Honestly, worth at at $6.99, not full price.
Side jobs
By wendyhandsmith
Great short stories. It was nice to find out so much about the people in dresden life. I wish there was more.
Great collection
By Apnu_Karnak
This is a great collection of stories that, for the most part, can be found in other anthologies or as stand-alone novellas. It's good to see all these collected here, and I thought Butcher's notes on each story interesting. Well worth the read and a must have for the Dresden fan, if only for the first and last stories.
By Fire Ant
I confess with some embarrassment that I had never heard of Jim Butcher or Harry Dresden until I downloaded this book. Better late than never definitely applies here...I think I've found my recreational reading for the next several months! "Side Jobs" is an excellent literary appetite stimulant. Highly recommended.