Five Lectures on Reincarnation - Swāmī Abhedānanda

Five Lectures on Reincarnation

By Swāmī Abhedānanda

  • Release Date: 1902-01-01
  • Genre: Philosophy


I. Reincarnation.
II. Heredity and Reincarnation.
III. Evolution and Reincarnation.
IV. Which is Scientific, Resurrection or Reincarnation?
V. Theory of Transmigration.
“In these discourses the Swami Abhedananda considers the questions of evolution and the resurrection in their bearing upon the ancient teaching of rebirth, the truth, logic and justice of which are rapidly permeating the best thought of the Western world. For the preservation of this doctrine mankind is indebted to the literary storehouses of India, the racial and geographical source of much of the vital knowledge of Occidental peoples. Reincarnation is shown in the present volume to be a universal solvent of life’s mysteries. It answers those questions of children that have staggered the wisest minds who seek to reconcile the law of evolution and the existence of an intelligent and just Creator, with the proposition that man has but a single lifetime in which to develop spiritual self-consciousness. It is commended to every thinker.”—Mind, February, 1900.
“It is a work which will appeal to the novice for its simplicity and definite quality, and to the student for its wealth of knowledge and suggestion.”—Vedanta Monthly Bulletin, Sept., 1907.
“The book should prove a valuable acquisition.”—The Evening Sun, N. Y., December 21, 1907. “This is the work of a man of fine education and of fine intellect.…(Reincarnation) as expounded by Swami Abhedananda is very plausible, quite scientific, and far from uncomforting. The exposition contained in this little book is well worth reading by all students of metaphysics. There is not the slightest danger of its converting or perverting any one to a new and strange religion. Reincarnation is not religion, it is science. Science was never known to hurt anybody but scientists.”—Brooklyn Eagle, December 13, 1907.