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  • The Void

    By William C McDonald III
    All 3 were fantastic. I highly recommend them. WmcdonaldIII
  • Great

    By Instpasr
    Another great read
  • Hamilton never disappoints!

    By Florida Olive Farmer
    This book marks the conclusion of the Void Trilogy (The Dreaming Void and The Temporal Void). The book carries on in Hamilton's distinctive fashion, multiple story threads, hard science fiction, interesting alien characters, amazing space battles and a unique imagination for the evolution of humanity's future. Mechanically, I really like the way Hamilton weaves multiple story lines together - he is masterful in that regard. The only element i find a little tiresome is an overuse of people and place names that seem as they come from a current day U.K. phonebook. Every author has their biases about such things and perhaps it is a conscious nod to his homeland. Given his imaginative flair, I'm sure he could switch things up a bit if he chose. Just a great read if you've liked his other books and enjoy hard science fiction. Nice work, Peter!