Another great Krakauer read!
By LongLeggedGal
I've devoured nearly every book Krakauer has written. He is a superb wordsmith and story teller. This book was compelling and informative. I couldn't put it down.
Excellent book!
By Meatball 2
I've read this more than once, and I recommend it to everybody
When Men Win Glory
By Ryan Roderick
The book was not just about Pat's brief life and how his philosophies on life did not match society's expectation of a NFL player. It also discusses the realities of war. War is messy! Bad things happen, especially Friendly Fire. What is more astonishing is how our government covered up failures and atrocities to benefit a cause. The behavior is similar to what would be expected from a dictator.
Enlightening, parts of it will leave you dumbfounded.
By GatorDuc
Krakauer has a way of researching and writing that makes the subject matter incredibly educational and enjoyable to read. This is not an easy book to "digest" however, a lively read, but you will be saddened by the implications of it. You will walk away from this book with a greater understanding of a government's propaganda to support war, obscure friendly fire and the media's ravenous need to report what the government delivers. This theme surrounds the similarly interesting story of a dynamic individual who dropped everything in search of deeper character development; only to loose his life doing so in a most tragic and seemingly senseless way. The repercussions from this book are many and will haunt you for months after you finish. A book worthy of every American's time. Especially those Americans interested in seeking a more realistic "truth" behind government, war, love and individuality with in our national culture.
Excellent Read
By AgPilotGt
This book gives information that makes me understand how Afghanistan has played a pivotal role in the September 11 attacks and also about how difficult it will be to eventually bring peace to that region. The tragic end Pat Tillman had due to decisions made by his chain of command brought terrible consecuences. The cover up is an eye opener. And Mary Tillman's unwavering love for his son reminds me of my Mother, the way she loved me.
Great read ends too soon
By John Nemo
So fast paced and so well done. Feels like the ending is too abrupt. Very well done though. Couldn't put it down!