Science fiction at its best
By Fourthmonth
Dare I say—I don’t always like Asimov’s books. But this one! Could anyone else make atomic physics dramatic? Combine that with the suspense of the imminent end of not one but two universes, and fully developed, sympathetic characters from Earth, the Moon, and from another universe. Needless to say, I loved it!
The Aliens Are Coming!
By Dwardeng
This was one of the first alien invasion stories I've read. I love how Asimov delved into the aliens' society and thought processes. They were so much more superior than humans, hence the title.
Awesome book!
By Zylod
One of the best syfy books I ever read 1000 stars if I could
100 Words or Less
By JRubino
During the first part of this novel, I realized just how much science Asimov was cramming into his science-fiction. The characters and plot took the time to detail the scientific basis of their world. That doesn’t happen much anymore, and I was really intrigued.
Then I hit the 2nd part. The novel suddenly becomes bogged down in alien social networking and a seemingly endless string of dialogues about conforming to expectations. This new mode went on and on and on.
I finally had to stop reading.