The 4 elements have been associated with balance & healing since ancient times. Journey through the secret alchemical process of the elements to deepen your authentic connection with the true path of your soul. Discover new techniques & experience the profound transformative powers of the elements to heal & empower your life! ~Restore Passion ~Overcome Addictions ~Activate your Chakras ~Work with your Dreams ~Enhance your Creativity ~Create Sacred Ceremony ~Rediscover your Abundance ~ Create a Home for your Soul. Contributing Authors: Patti Allen, Roberta Ashkawa Binder, Ulrike Behre-Brandes, Kelly Chamchuk, Michelle Chant, Maria Clark, Sophia Fairchild, Misasha, Petra Nella, Coral Mujaes Pola, Christine Schreibstein, Helen Mumford Sole, Linda J. Stewart, Deb Swingholm, Jenn de Valk, Judy Ward, Ilona Warda. “May this book deepen your connection to the wonders of the natural world and to the truth of your soul.” DENISE LINN, author of Soul Coaching. *Gold Medal BOOK OF THE YEAR 2011 Living Now Book Awards