Hymns to the Beloved includes the sayings of 42 Sufi mystics, 48 Hindus, 50 Buddhists, 14 Taoists, 15 Jews and 32 Christians--all from ancient times to the present. There are 790 quotations in all. The Introduction to Mysticism at the beginning of the book includes the subjects: "The Perennial Philosophy", "The Antiquity of the Mystical Quest", "The Lover and the Beloved: Monism and Metaphor", "The Nature of Perception", "Naming the Un-namable One",
"Dualism and Non-dualism", "The Narrow Gate: The Mystic's Path", "The Nature of the Mystical Experience", "The Human Condition: Ignorance and Craving", "Desire, Attachment and Renunciation", Concentration and Controlling the Mind: Introspection and Quietude", "Eliminating Attraction and Aversion", "Mindfulness: Living in the Present Moment", "The Loss of Affective Ego" and "The Dark Night of the Soul."
Chapter headings include: "The Beloved", "Oneness", "The Mystic", "The Narrow Gate", "The Path Within", "Relinquishing the Ego", "Prayer, Contemplation and Meditation", "Love and Compassion", "Enlightenment and Awakening", "Creation" and "Existence."
Hymns to the Beloved is also enhanced with dozens of beautiful photographs.