Blessing or Curse - Derek Prince

Blessing or Curse

By Derek Prince

  • Release Date: 2006-09-01
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4.5
From 27 Ratings


Life's trials and triumphs can seem accidental. One person may feel that life is a constant struggle in which pitfalls abound and someone seems out to get him. Another may feel that every day is a gift from God with special blessings just for her. That's because forces are at work in our lives: the blessings of a loving God or the curses of our spiritual adversary.

This hugely popular classic work of Derek Prince helps readers recognize if there are curses at work in their lives and shows them how to get out from under those curses to live under God's blessings. This third edition of Blessing or Curse includes an extensive new study guide for small group or individual use.


  • Solid

    By @mwutley
    Derek Prince is one of the best teachers that use sound doctrine. This book is foundational to his amazing body of work. He was truly a servant of God.
  • A real eye opener!

    By Jnab
    First I'd have to say I've never looked at curses in the bible, but they are plentiful. It discusses commandments that warn of multi-generational curses and others that when followed says it will go well with you. There are examples of curses brought on by sin and ended. Also discussed are curses we put on others or even ourselves such as, you will never amount to anything or no one in the family ever graduated from college so I won't either. Blessings we fathers pass on are life changers for our children. The book has questions at the end of each chapter along with application questions. I'm a Scripture Typer user and have added hundreds of verses so I can commit them to memory. I'd give my highest recommendation!
  • Awesome book

    By Spirit Rocks
    I'm currently reading this book and I can totally say that this book it's amazing! It will help identify areas in which you might have a curse operating and how to get rid of it. This another must read.