Marco is correct
By Ex Lutheran
I was a Lutheran, I can just about guarantee that the Lutheran pastor involved in this email debate is of the ELCA persuasion. The ELCA HAS OPENLY ADOPTED HOMOSEXUALITY INTO THE CHURCH AS IF IT IS A HOLY AND GOD ORDAINED BEHAVIOR. The ELCA voted out the very words of Christ concerning adultery fundamentally because so many of their pastors are divorced and remarried. In addition, ELCA Bishop Hansen has openly reinstated a female pastor that divorced her husband in favor of her lesbian partner. This lesbian was the featured speaker at all 2009 synod conventions thru which their statement on human sexuality was adopted as doctrine. They have equalled or surpassed the heresy of the Episcopalian church. In addition, they have begun to rewrite the Bible the satisfy what the itchy ears of LGBT caucus wishes to hear.
Marco's theology is much more accurate than this so-called Lutheran theologist. Martin Luther would burn this guy at the stake. Sola Scriptura !! Here I stand !
By Sis.TC
I believe every word written in the book. I've always known this was happening, but didn't know it had a specific terminology referring
To this topic....demythologize. Keep on warning the people. We all need to be enlightened and delivered out of falsehood.
We Are Being Had....
By rammstone
The author is in over his head in a debate with a serious biblical scholar in this book. And I almost feel sorry for him, as he cluelessly retreats to his literalistic viewpoints.
The one star I gave it is for the scholar, not the author .