American Grown - Michelle Obama

American Grown

By Michelle Obama

  • Release Date: 2012-05-29
  • Genre: Gardening
Score: 3
From 285 Ratings


Since its first planting, the White House Kitchen Garden has sparked a new conversation about nutrition and our children’s health. In American Grown, First Lady Michelle Obama tells the story of the White House Kitchen Garden, celebrates the bounty of gardens across our nation, and reminds us all of what we can grow together.
Setting a new standard for illustrated eBooks, American Grown offers a beautifully designed and screen-optimized layout for color devices that takes advantage of the best features of each device.
This eBook offers new ways to experience more of the White House Kitchen Garden with features that include:
· Even more lush photography and historical images
· Timeline of the White House grounds through the years
· Delicious recipes not found in the physical book
· Tips for healthy living, including information on creating nutritious meals on a budget and ways to increase the fruits and veggies in your diet
· Helpful tips for gardeners including composting, a starter kit, and seasonal to-do lists
· A satellite view of the White House Garden
· A section for families with a bio of Bo, additional photographs, details on easy plants for kids to grow, and great snacks
The cutting-edge experience provided by the iBooks edition of the American Grown eBook also includes:
· Exclusive video of First Lady Michelle Obama
· Bonus information on the White House honey harvest
· An interactive satellite view of the White House Garden
· Interactive seasonal garden plans that show what is growing in each bed
· A special section for families, including a “Bo’s Vegetable Quiz” game and a puzzle game 
Note: There may be differences in the reading experience depending on your eReading device. Please note the interactive elements of the extra content and videos are only supported by the iPad in iBooks 2.


  • jj ununnmijinn ii jjniju. No

    By Kris 141414
    Jnnjukhh. B u in unbhnuu I hub hub ii I uhnin Iinhninnhu h. I nujujjnni unnun j. Uhh j jj I I Nunu. N j h no. On. Nohnunnuninnunjnuj
  • Terrible

    By Boomdoggie
  • Sexz

    By Melissa; Vanesa
    We’d love rewearThank you so much WDD! The holiday season is the perfect time to get together bring them joy and cheer, appreciate the beauty all around us and reconnect with the people who mean so much to us, all the joy, all the merry, all the happy our hearts can carry... that's what our wished at the holidays this year. From home to home, from one place to another, the warmth and joy of X-Mass brings e us closer e to each other. Awesome peopler like the Elderly ('Am still young) ones deserve the best things in life...our Caroling night songs changes the twilight night of weakening to them instead brings to them joy and strength... they still wanted us to sing more. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to you DD, to Sis Rose and to the family. God bless us all! Bro NarcingW
  • Liberal hogwash

    By Leftin
    Anyone who read this and actually believes she tends to her own garden must be a weak minded liberal. This is propaganda at best. I would respect it if she actually did what she preaches.
  • Wow

    By Luisruvi
  • Stunning, informative, feature rich iBook

    By Aah...end
    I have loved looking at, engaging with, and reading this mid-winter and thinking ahead to spring. I'm wondering what modest steps our family could take toward growing a little of our food. More broadly, this book makes the appeal of really fresh food so evident--it's almost vivid enough to touch and taste! The history of the garden, going back to Jefferson, is well presented. And the case for access to quality food for everyone is compellingly made. Beautiful and inspiring book!
  • Intelligent, beautiful, informative

    By nnoel
    To the sad, pathetic people who choose to review this book based on their warped right wing beliefs, I doubt you even read the book , or for that matter,can even read a book. Save your ignorant, uneducated reviews for books by Newt or Sarah. Bravo, to Mrs. Obama for this beautiful, informative book. Her class, intelligence, strength and dedication are inspiring.
  • Sad that having a sample book of this

    By Trooper71
    Allows the bad reviews of this book instead of buying it. Maybe Apple will fix that.... Anyways, The book is nice and was well written with some nice features. I would recommend this book
  • Unbelieveable literally

    By rudeguitarist
    I do not believe for a minute that this book got so many great reviews. Michelle is always on vacation, talk shows, making speeches, campaigning, on the taxpayer's we are supposed to believe she tends a garden everyday and feeds all four in her family from it? I do not wish to be rude, so I will just say that Michelle does not have a feminine/woman's body, and Barrack's is certainly not manly/muscular...whatever regimen they are both on, I do not wish to follow nor look like.
  • American Grown

    By bebop4by4
    What an amazing woman! Such an inspiration! With everything she is doing she writes a book to help our children and donates ALL the proceeds! Keep up the wonderful work!