Grevis the Green Turtle - Chad Barr & Anna Barr

Grevis the Green Turtle

By Chad Barr & Anna Barr

  • Release Date: 2011-08-18
  • Genre: Coming of Age for Young Adults


This children’s story is about a turtle named Grevis who decides to move from Venezuela, to the United States of America. The story is about his daring journey, and how he finds his new home. He meets new friends, and soon realizes that home is where the heart is. This book introduces children to common English and Spanish phrases, while entertaining them with a touching tale. Moving from one place to another can be daunting for kids. Immigration is not an easy thing for anyone, and this story teaches us that making such a huge move can lead to better things. Grevis show us that meeting new friends is not as hard as they may think, and that his new home can be just as nice as his old one.
This fictional story is written in both English and Spanish, and the text is color-coded for a simplified translation using Superfly Productions -Tinted Translation.