Cat Daddy - Jackson Galaxy

Cat Daddy

By Jackson Galaxy

  • Release Date: 2012-05-10
  • Genre: Pets
Score: 4.5
From 143 Ratings


Cat behaviorist and star of Animal Planet's hit television show My Cat from Hell, Jackson Galaxy, a.k.a. "Cat Daddy," isn't what you might expect for a cat expert (as The New York Times noted, with his goatee and tattoos, he "looks like a Hells Angel"). Yet Galaxy's ability to connect with even the most troubled felines -- not to mention the stressed-out humans living in their wake -- is awe-inspiring. In this book, Galaxy tells the poignant story of his thirteen-year relationship with a petite gray-and-white short-haired cat named Benny, and gives singular advice for living with, caring for, and loving the feline in your home.

When Benny arrived in his life, Galaxy was a down-and-out rock musician with not too much more going on than a part-time job at an animal shelter and a drug problem. Benny's previous owner brought the cat to the shelter in a cardboard box to give him up. Benny had seen better days --- his pelvis had just been shattered by the wheels of a car -- and his owner insisted he'd been "unbondable" from day one. Nothing could have been further from the truth. An inspiring account of two broken beings who fixed each other, Cat Daddy is laced throughout with Galaxy's amazing "Cat Mojo" advice for understanding what cats need most from us humans in order to live happier, healthier lives.


  • More than expected!

    By Online SLOMAMA
    Not just about The Cat Guy. Way more. A successful piece of life. Thanks Jackson!
  • Tears of joy

    By Kid OMG I love bikes
    I enjoyed reading Jackson's journey through life!!! I at on time worked with animals--- cats!!! Things have changed so much!!! I applauded people such as Jackson!! They have changed so many ideas of how animals should be treated !!! I had always thought they are little beings & what was important was they feel fear , love , betrayal ,uncertainty, a sense of belonging just like we do!!! We were put here to live together not to dominate !!!! It's our world --- both people & animals & people such as Jackson are here to remind us of that !!! Jackson you kept your promise--- bravo. Benny will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge as will my babies!!!!!
  • I couldn't put it down, yet when I finished it, I felt like I was saying goodbye to an old friend!

    By Craxyred
    This book was such a great read on so many levels--the perseverance of the human spirit, the tenacity of cats, and how to humbly accept signs greater than one's self in the most vulnerable times. As a lifelong animal advocate and cat lover, I could relate to much of what Jackson shared regarding his experiences in an animal shelter and fostering. Yet I learned so much just by reading this book--and it was so enjoyable I didn't even realize I was making mental notes of his kitty tidbits and trying them on my own wonderful brood. A great book for cat-lovers, animal advocates, and I would say especially for those who are lost and looking for a positive direction to regrow themselves. 2 paws up!
  • Remarkable, memorable, astonishing read

    By Slyparakeet
    I found out about this book and immediately picked it up not knowing a thing about Jackson Galaxy but being very intrigued by the subtitle. It offers a unique glimpse into the day to day life at an animal shelter, but more than that, outlines an amazing personal journey that I'm not sure I'd be willing to reveal to the public myself if it were my story. It's very selfless of Jackson to share such a rich story and there is much to take away from this story which is artfully told. 5 hankie ending - stock up on kleenex!
  • Cat Daddy

    By TN Bullard
  • Cat Daddy Mojo

    By teamkbasa
    I have say that this was a journey and experience reading these words. I learned, laughed, cried and held my cat firmly as I read Jackson's journey. I highly recommend this to anyone who loves cats or humans. Thank you Jackson for sharing yourself with the world. I know the cats appreciate it!
  • It's what I expected, and that's a good thing

    By Rosie7600
    It's an easy read and a sweet story about Jackson, his struggles with addiction, his troubles and triumphs with Benny, and the reasons why he is who he is and does what he does today. The story is peppered with useful cat advice, a couple of interesting websites, and a strong undercurrent of Jackson's advocacy for homeless animals. If you love animals, particularly kitties, it's a rewarding read.
  • Quick read

    By Mary80222
    Love the show so I had to read this book. Galaxy's life has been a wild ride. Whew! I appreciated his insights and honesty.
  • Cat daddy

    By DCGOO
    Really puts loss in perspective
  • Amazing, touching, timeless

    By QMOB
    "I believe cats to be spirits come to earth" ~ Jules Verne And Mr. Galaxy is an angel on earth for all he has done for our feline friends; his empathy and understanding for felines and humans alike know no bounds, and his ability to to heal, both emotionally and physically, is truly remarkable. I think all cats, from the tiniest kitten to the most majestic lioness, are some of the most magnificent creatures on earth, and I can't bear to think of one frightened or in pain, lost or hungry. I admire Mr. Galaxy because he has the strength to seek out those cats that are suffering to help them, even though some of the things he sees must cause him much personal anguish. Please read this book, spay or neuter the felines in your life, and consider a gift of time or money to help give shelter cats in your area a forever home and a happy life! Bless you Mr. Galaxy, you are an inspiration, and I hope for your continued success in all your pursuits!