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  • Tragedy on a Tower

    By Tiny Wings is Better!
    Another classic by Thomas Hardy! The love story unfolds rather slowly at first, before long the reader is drawn in. Initially, I was a little disgusted, the older, already married Viviette falling in love with the young, innocent boy. As the story develops, it is hard not to sympathize with the widow. She cares so much for the young man with all his great scientific ambitions. Once you have read a few Hardy novels, you realize the course of love rarely runs smoothly. However, Hardy continues to surprise. The plot twists were interesting and it is hard to guess how things will end. The other really wonderful thing about Thomas Hardy are his insights and observations into human nature. He seems to understand human weakness and strength. Most modern novelists can weave a story successfully, but leave you with nothing more. Hardy's books always delve a little deeper.