It is a story about Rufus (known as Rough and Ready) and his little sister, Rose. Rufus now works in the brokerage office of Mr. Turner. Rufus, Rose and their friend, Miss Manning, live in a fine home, but Rufus learns that he needs more income to support them. This he hopes to accomplish by investing money in a periodical store being bought by George Black, a trusted friend of Rufus. In return for his investment, Rufus is to get one-third of the profits. Meanwhile, Mr. Martin, Rufus’ stepfather, has been recently released from prison. He immediately joins a band of counterfeiters. One day, Martin follows Rufus, who, as part of his duties, is carrying money and bonds, to the Bank of the Commonwealth for Mr. Turner. Mr. Martin attacks Rufus and steals the money and bonds. Rufus needs to find the money and his stepfather so that he can hold is place and continue to support his sister.