1. Introduction It is often said that a photograph is worth a thousand words and this is certainly the case in today's image dominated world. Nobody doubts that the visual, firstly associated with photography and later with the cinema, has become an influential mode of perception. However, for each individual that views a photograph, those thousand words will be irreversibly thought and expressed in a distinctive way. In other words, images may be regarded as universal language, but they still incite interpretation; they still need to be read. In its still short existence, the camera has made the traditional image-word distinction increasingly difficult to sustain. The productive interaction between the visual and the linguistic has not only blurred the image-word boundary but also produced more hybrid modes of representation. This post-modern conflation has allowed us to read both prose photographs and visual fictions (Garret-Petts 2001) and made it possible not only for images to tell stories but also for language to reveal the hidden behind the visible through the creation of new narrative spaces, particularly when dealing with trauma and unresolved memories.