The Master Key System
By Billioniar
I took a long time to read through this book because I wanted to grasp every bit of it. I find it very informative and corroboratory to the bible. It proves the existence of God though it did not call him God but called him the universal mind or infinite intelligence. A none religious person or an immature Christian may think that it disproves the existence of God not knowing that the bible says that we are gods, we are made in the image and likeness of God and were are spirits. All of these the book corroborates. I however disagree with the suggestion that there is no punishment for evil and that evil only means the absence of good just like darkness is the absence of light. The facts before me suggest that people who do evil actively plan, pursue and execute evil. Sometimes good and evil can be found as contending forces in the same person. Sometimes people like and want what is good but still do evil because of pleasure or convenience or because they could not help themselves (habits).
These lapses not withstanding, I still rate the book high and recommend it for all who want to succeed in life but they should add to it the fear of God as this will keep them from evil.