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  • Greatness in short pages

    By Yt The Hawk
    Overall a really good book was going through a tough time at work I’m new to the job been here for almost two weeks now it gave me motivation to keep pushing and keep going you never know what can happen if your truly passionate and love what you do great read.
  • Good read

    By MarcoMaroki
    It was a good read. The beginning really went off on a tangent about media, but one thing i learned is to do everything with passion.
  • Passion

    By uniquew7
    Good read
  • Passion is success

    By Lake_GenPru
    This is one of the best self help books that I've ever read. Thank you!!
  • iMC StikMan

    By ZtikMan
    This book just changed my whole life. It only took as long as I could read it.
  • You're Sensational!!!

    By MonkeyNinjaLove
    I read this book in one sitting, speaking it out loud and laughing throughout the entire text. You made me feel, experience, taste the moments of each phrase you expressed. I could literally see the words, writing that flowed effortlessly and conveyed your voice and personality. I cannot wait to read your other works and see you speak live! You have definitely inspired me with your work, and I thank you for the experience.
  • Amazing...

    By Giurra
    I can't remember when was a last time I read such a shiny book. I started reading it and then just swallowed it in a one, big bite. Thank you Mr. Wolfgang