Do you enjoy being poor and wish to remain that way? Perhaps you have money but you would like to join the lower classes? Maybe you feel like money makes you a big phony and you want to get rid of it all but don’t know how? If any of these things apply to you, then How To $tay Poor: a guide to remaining broke is the book for you.Inside you will find great tips and life changing habits that will ensure you remain poor for the rest of your life. Have you ever purchased something that you really couldn’t afford? Have you ever purchased something that you had no need of? Have you ever been divorced? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you may be well on your way to becoming, and remaining, financially destitute.How to $tay Poor isn’t your average get poor quick book. Instead, it teaches you worthless life lessons on how you can take the money that you have worked so hard to make and blow it with little or no thought. It covers everything from excessive spending habits to gambling to keeping up with the Joneses. Each section of the book covers a specific aspect of poor money and time management habits. This ensures that you get the core principles of ruining your financial standing in as little time as possible. Topics include…Rent to OwnCable TVGet More GadgetsTip All CrazyPlay the LotteryGambleHave No WillpowerWatch More TVRuin Your CreditCredit Isn’t So Important, Is It?Use Your Credit Card, For Everything!Make Minimum PaymentsAnd much more!!!Don't be fooled by other get poor quick books. How to $tay Poor is one stop experience into the land of desolate poverty. Buy it today for yourself or for a friend. Surely you know someone who is need of wealth abandonment?