A classic comic!
By Skyzone85
This is the basis for The Dark Knight movie among other things there is no doubt. It has the 2 plots going on with the holiday killer vs 2 Face situation & all the villains and characters in between that make it so enjoyable. So much to like about the story and the ending comes out of nowhere!
What a wonderful Mystery Crime
By TheJediBro
This story portrays a level of The Dark Knight in a way that has no one has seen, in the films. The thrill of the mystery “Who is Holiday?” And a tragic ending of course. Each part of the story was amazing. I had a fun time reading The Long Halloween.
get Dark Victory
By NeedsUpdate
I had a ton of leftover questions after finishing this read. It’s a thriller with a great cast. Now that I’ve started the next book in this series “Dark Victory” all those unanswered questions are finished off in the conclusion to this story. I suggest you get the next book to conclude the story in this collection. I thought this book was the entire storyline at first feeling disappointed.
By Willdbruh
Such a good read anf the illustrations bring you right in. Fantastic work start to finish.
With the latest update of iBooks it does not open anymore!
By 4lhun73r
Is not about the quality of the story (that is amazing!) nor the art quality (that is astonishing) but the fact that for some formatting reason the file is not opening anymore into my iPad Pro :( :( :(
Great If you like the Christopher Nolan movies
By sherm59
Great If you like the Christopher Nolan movies
By Desolator53X
The ending was pretty shocking.. I ALMOST DROOPED MY JAWS.. :O
The best by LOEB n TIM.. if any one Tells that hes a bat freak.. But skips when yu suggest to read this ... Believe me hes just pretending... N just missd one the greatest things he cud evr read... :3
The Best of the Darkest Knight
By Wickedgrin1
After reading dozens of Batman graphic novels over the years, I always come back to "The Long Halloween." Forget crazy sci-fi plots, and a dull man-of-steel formula. The telling of the greatest detective in a gangster noir mystery brings out the terror, inner conflicts, nobility, and presence of the Batman as nowhere else. From the slate night blue cover art, to "easter egg" lines from "The Godfather", to the brilliant re telling of Gotham legends, this is THE Batman story to enjoy. And leading off with a Halloween intro, for the spookiest hero of all!
Be you casual fan or Dark Knight afficianado, this is the one you want. Enjoy...
One of the top five best Batman stories of all-time!
By T-1000
If you love comics and Batman in particular, you MUST have this. Grade: A+
The old ones
By Beaf-patty607
I love the old batman novels such as year one and this one one of my favorites and I must say arkham asylum a serious house on serious earth should be on iTunes Include it please iTunes please