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  • Wonderful

    By GlennH13
    A side of a good man not seen deeply before. Excited to see how her entrance into his life unfolds. And just at the nick of time as there are hints of an aging hero slowing down. Congrats to the author!
  • All 21

    By Mstrpara
    Just finished last book Travis McGee series, rereading after 25 years. Absolutely best mystery series ever written, sorry there will be no more. Just wished I could have met Mr. MacDonald and told him how much I enjoyed each of his books.
  • The lonley Silver Rain

    By Joel B 1000
    A wondeful end to my favorite Literary Hero
  • Oh, yeah!

    By whateverdoyouwantforaname
    Any Travis McGee novel is a treat with which to curl up on a comfy chair - you won't be stirring again for a long time. I've read and reread them all several times. John D. McDonald is an excellent writer, although somewhat dated in this age of PC-ness.